Thursday, 20 March 2025

20th March 2025

 Weather: ESE force 1/2    mist around the estuary

A lovely morning and a good migration day. The headline was a Puffin which was on the water off the east hoyle before flying westwards. A less than annual species at Hilbre, Puffin usually occurs in spring as on this occasion. The 10 Chiffchaffs today is always a good total in spring, another couple of weeks or so the first Willow Warblers should appear but for now we are happy with Chiffchaffs.

There was a Wheatear of each sex today,

The Meadow Pipits continued their migration, 215 noted coming through the island, 3 Goldcrests were in the paddocks, while 9 Robins certainly included visitors and 23 Pied Wagtails were also notable. Finches were not forgotten, there were 8 Chaffinch, 7 Goldfinch and 2 Redpolls in addition to the island breeding Linnets. Two Skylarks passed by while larger visitors included a Magpie,


and regular arrivals at this time in spring were  4 Jackdaws, 6 Woodpigeons and a Reed Bunting. No longer stangers at any time of year now are the Eiders, there was an immature male and 2 females

 Nine Wigeon were more unexpected to find in addition to the 212 Brent.


A female Goosander and 4 Red-breasted Mergansers completed the wildfowl. A Red-throated Diver, 700 Common Scoter and 6 Great Crested Grebes completed the sea list. Wader counts were 200 Dunlin and 2,000 Knot.

 Redshank numbered 13,

Turnstone 90,

and Purple Sandpiper 13.

Signs of spring among the insects were a Small Tortoiseshell and 4 Bumble Bees.

Photos SRW

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