Weather: SE 2, 2/8 cloud, 7 miles vis, mist - warm sunny muggy day with a light shower at 9am and then thunder lightning and rain in the evening
Green-veined Whites |
Common Blue |
The day started fairly quietly with just a couple of new Linnets caught and a single Sedge Warbler suggested it was going to be quality not quantity on the bird front but this proved not to be and no more migrants were grounded apart from a single Collared Dove. Vis mig was slightly better with small numbers of Swallows and House Martins passing over and a few Swifts in front of the rain which seemed to be overshadowing North Wales.
Despite the lack of birds insects were very much in evidence with butterflies well represented by 25 Green-veined Whites, several Small Whites, Red Admiral, Small Tortoiseshell and the male Common Blue.
Common Blue |
However, the highlight was a fine male Brimstone which was found in the SK trap before it flew off (see photo below). It was later seen back in the trapping area, before moving rapidly over the Obs garden and the Wildlife garden but it would not settle for further photos in blustery conditions.
Brimstone butterfly (the first record for the island was as recently as April 2005) |
Azure Damselfly |
This is only the third record of this locally rare but increasing butterfly for Hilbre. We hope it will be found again tomorrow. Several damselflies were also seen today including an Azure (see photo).
Ringing: Linnet (2) & Sedge Warbler
(DB, SRW) [555-32] Photos SRW
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