Tuesday 10 September 2024

10th September 2024

 Weather: W force 7/8  veering WNW during the day, some drizzle

Gale force winds in September mean only one thing - sea watching. Our local speciality duly obliged with 9 Leach's Petrels passing the island right through to the evening when a lovely Black Tern appeared. The count of Manx Shearwaters numbered 18, but surprisingly no Gannets were logged although a passage of terns did oblige, 490 Sandwich and 70 Common. Common Scoter were noted mostly way out, with 575 in total. Four Arctic Skuas were seen including 2 in the evening. Early in the day 4 Pintail appeared, while other wildfowl included 20 Shelduck and 4 Teal, but the Eiders were missing today. There were 54 Turnstone, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit and 20 Ringed Plover among the waders. Seven Little Egrets and 4 Grey Herons hung around the shore. A Peregrine showed and a Wheatear weathered the storm on the island.

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