Wednesday 25 September 2024

25th September 2024

 Weather: SE force 3

A Marsh Harrier appeared west of Middle and drifted eastward but then turned (showing its yellow head) and went back westward dropping in to land on the sands west of Little Eye where it stayed for at least 30 minutes, although moving once when harassed by gulls. Other raptors today were a female Kestrel around the island and a female Peregrine shooting dow the east side putting up the waders. The early morning had found 76 Shelduck in and around the ebbing gutter and a Red-breasted Merganser that flew north down the gutter, The Eider increased to 7 today with an extra male having arrived and Brent Geese have also increased with 136 being noted but sadly no juvenile birds could be found in the flock so far.

 Little Egrets numbered 14 together with 2 Grey Herons.


Seen on and around the island this morning were 300 Common Scoter, 8 Rock Pipits, 7 Blackbirds, 16 Meadow Pipits, also the regular waders including 260 Curlew, 100 Dunlin, 57 Redshank and 14 Turnstone. 

 Photos AS

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