Sunday 1 September 2024

1st September 2024

 Weather: E force 3, slight mist.

With the wind still in the east and a suggestion of a few spots of light rain, migrants arrived to give a really good morning. A Spotted Flycatcher appeared suddenly and was photographed but could not be found again until later when it was ringed.

This species has often be found here in early autumn as well as late spring, and the same could be said of Garden Warbler which is very scarce here but can typically arrive at this time, as happened today.

Strangely no Willow Warblers or Chiffchaffs, but 16 Wheatears following on from similar numbers yesterday, and there were 6 Robins. The first parties of Teal (4 and 7) of the autumn arrived before the tide with 6 Wigeon and 7 Shelduck. There were 10 Eiders today, the numbers seem to vary from day to day. To herald in the autumn a Common Sandpiper appeared and a Snipe flew overhead.

 No Peregrine this morning but a Sparrowhawk and the Kestrel gave a great performance when they met.


Yesterdays 6 Shags are all still here, also 125 Sandwich Terns. Waders included 47 Redshank, 4 Whimbrel, 2 Bar-tailed Godwits and 20 Ringed Plover.

Photos SRW

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