Sunday 8 September 2024

8th September 2024

 Weather:  ENE force 2,  backing NNW 2,   some drizzle

 A nice trickle of autumn migrants this morning including a Willow Warbler,

.........  4 Chiffchaff, 4 Whitethroat, a male Blackcap, 9 Pied Wagtails, many Robins and 2 Wheatears.

 Twenty Sand Martin and good numbers of Swallows fed before moving on.

Highlight was a Marsh Harrier arriving out of the estuary over the east hoyle and moving off east towards Red Rocks.



Two Raven also flew east. Among the wildfowl today 6 Teal flew north early on, 4 of the Eiders were present and 2 early Brent Geese were about. Not too many waders recorded today but there was still a single Whimbrel in the area. Four Shags were here also 8 Little Egrets and 4 Grey Herons.

Photos AEH, SRW

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