Saturday 21 September 2024

21st September 2024

 Weather: NE force 3,   NNE 3 with rain showers late afternoon

On the sea in front of the marsh at high tide 55 Brent Geese and 58 Shelduck were noted, with 168 Curlew on the sand later. A Wigeon was at the North End at first light, on the west side of Hilbre a Great Crested Grebe was diving, a Shag was on the Whaleback and 6 Eider on the sea. One hundred and fifty Dunlin roosted on the main island over tide along with 35 Redshank a Sanderling and 38 Ringed Plover.


 Small birds passing that were here today were: 2 Skylarks, 1 Grey Wagtail, 6 House Martins, 6 Swallows and a Wheatear.

Two Peregrine again disturbed the waders early morning and a Kestrel hovered above for most of the day.

Two Gannets, 22 Scoter, and a Sandwich Tern were the best on the sea. Thirty Red Admiral flew south along the west cliff, there was no sight of the Weasel today although alarm calling local birds indicated that it is still about.

 Photos AS

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