Monday 16 September 2024

16th September 2024

 Weather: SE force 2/3 later NNE 2   sunny all day

A very nice day with a small number of migrants arriving. A Chiffchaff was in the obs garden in the morning and a Willow Warbler in the afternoon and a Stonechat was in the upper paddock briefly. Three Wigeon were at the north end early on while other wildfowl were 5 Eiders, 63 Brent, 36 Shelduck and 60 Common Scoter. A Merlin was around the north end after the tide and was mobbed by the 6 remaining Swallows on the island, and a Sparrowhawk later came through. A late Swift flew over the island and a wandering Skylark was at Middle Eye. Despite the pleasent weather the visitors were few as the tide was mid-morning, so waders were able to rest without much disturbance.

There were 110 Ringed Plover, 78 Turnstone, 6 Sanderling and 5 Bar-tailed Godwit. A few birds were trapped for ringing and the Wrens were juveniles, showing with contrasting Greater Coverts.


 The were 8 Robins on the island, one Robin was retrapped, it was first ringed in August.

A member gave a presentation to the Wirral Branch of the Cheshire Wildlife Trust on The Hilbre Bird Observatory and the Birds of Wirral. They got more than their usual attendance and made a donation to the obsevatory.

Photos JE

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