Tuesday 17 September 2024

17th September 2024

 Weather: SE force 3, slight mist, SSW light air later in the afternoon

A light south easterly brought in 2 Chiffchaffs and a Willow Warbler with a Grey and 5 Pied Wagtails among the supporting cast. There were also 11 Robins present and possibly extra Meadow Pipits and Wrens. Some of the 9 or so Wrens present on the island were seen sitting on the Canoe Club fence looking down at the woodpile which drew the observers attention to a Weasel, a rare visitor here, and we are very glad that it didn't arrive during the breeding season.


Only 48 Brent Geese could be found around the islands today, 62 Shelduck were over by the marsh along with the majority of the 8,500 Oystercatcher noted today, 6,500 Common Scoter could be seen on a calm sea out toward the windfarm. Closer in a Red-throated Diver went east passed the North End and 6 Eider fed just off the Whaleback. One of the 3 Females was sadly trying to eat a piece of hard plastic but was saved by a Herring Gull which stole it from her, please take your litter home!



A very pale Kestrel was present today and was seen to take unidentified prey onto a roof to feed.

There are big tides this week and some of the waders like to gather near the islands when not disturbed, such as the 80 Turnstones,

 also 145 Curlew, 14 Bar-tailed Godwit, 9 Sanderling, 32 Redshank and 45 Ringed Plover.

One of the local Ravens paid us a visit, and sea birds noted were 23 Gannets, 6 Sandwich Terns, a Guillemot and 2 Shags.

 Photos AS

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