Sunday 15 September 2024

15th September 2024

 Weather: SSW force 4/5 some rain from mid-morning

The list of wildfowl this morning gave an autumnal feel to the day. The list included 50 Shelduck, 560 Common Scoter, 5 Wigeon plus another 14 later.

Other regulars here of course were 63 Brent.....


and just 4 Eiders today.

 A Merlin was seen again today,


 Also a Raven.

A Common Snipe made a typical autumn appearance with other waders including 160 Curlew and 120 Dunlin,

 as well as 65 Turnstone, 32 Redshank and 56 Ringed Plover.


Two Grey Herons and 4 Little Egrets fed around the island.

Highlight on the sea was undoubtably 2 Manx Shearwaters passing the island.

Photos CJW

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