Slightly better today, but not much. Two Chiffchaffs and 2 Willow Warblers were found during the morning and a brief glimpse of a Whitethroat which may have been the bird ringed some

days ago. Five Wheatears (left) was definitely an improvement on none

yesterday: one was trapped and proved to be an immature male Greenland. No visible migration again apart from the usual small number of Swallows tracking east and 3 Grey Wagtails.
Two Ravens (above right) came from the West Kirby direction to Middle and later left towards Wales, while 2 male Kestrels were on the island, one an immature bird.

A Purple Sandpiper (left) was found amongst the roosting Turnstones at high tide, it may be on passage further south or it could be the forerunner of the winter flock.
Two Little Egrets were on the shore, also the single Whimbrel.
Shelducks are returning from wherever they have been moulting and the 34 seen today was the highest total so far this autumn. The sea was quiet apart from 8 Sandwich Terns, a few auks and a Red-throated Diver.
Two creatures found today from the insect world were Devil's Coach Horse
staphylinus olens and the rare Yellow Meadow Ant l
asius flavus, the latter nesting and thought to have originated from the Welsh side of the Dee.

...and three spiders :- from left : Garden spider a
raneus diadematus, Map spider, Orb Web spider
zyiella notata,

Ringed :- 1 Greenland Wheatear (far right)
1 Chiffchaff (right)
1 Meadow Pipit
(BSB,DB,CJ, et al) [515] photos BSB,CJ