Wednesday 16 October 2024

16th October 2024

 Weather: SE force 4/5,  ESE in the afternoon,  rain and mist all day

A deluge of persistant mostly heavy rain made everything difficult for observers, however 2 Redwings were down on the island and were relatively easy to find. A couple of Starling landed briefly followed by another 4, and 4 Goldfinch also arrived. A Wigeon and a pair of Common Scoter were off the whaleback, while only 51 Brent showed (including a dark-bellied) to the island observers, 450 Shelduck were counted. The most surprising item on the sea was a Pink-footed Goose swimming off the north end. In the afternoon after the tide a trip out to Middle Eye from the mainland produced records of 4 late Common Terns on the beach, while wader counts of 12,000 Oystercatchers, 280 Curlew, 650 Knot, 400 Dunlin, 110 Turnstone and 272 Redshank were made mostly on the beach between the marine lake and Little Eye. Nine Little Egret and 4 Grey Heron were on the shore. A Chiffchaff was caught and ringed in the afternoon. Out of interest on the West Kirby marine lake were an amazing 26 Goosander, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, and a Great Crested Grebe. The Weasel seen of late was in the obs garden today, also on the balcony. 

Tuesday 15 October 2024

15th October 2024

 Weather:  ESE  force 3,  SE 4/5 in the afternoon, mist around the estuary

 Another pleasant enough quiet day with the south east winds being not too cold. The highlight did not come until after the tide when members were leaving the island. A juvenile male Hen Harrier came across the shore between Middle and Red Rocks and headed off south of Little Eye, but unlike the recent Red Kite it did not land there.



A very scarce bird at Hilbre it is the second here this year after one at the end of March. Both Peregrine and Kestrel were also on the list today. During the morning the best bird found was a male Blackcap which became ringed.

On the island were 6 Meadow Pipits, 6 Rock Pipits, 2 Song Thrushes, 6 Robins, 4 Blackbirds, 2 Pied Wagtails and 5 Wrens, some of these maybe migrants rather than residents.

 A small trickle through of finches happened this morning including a couple of Siskins, a Goldfinch and a male Chaffinch. Brent numbered 360 and groups of 3 and 7 Wigeon were seen, also 4 Eider and 50 of the distant Common Scoter. Other sea species featured a Red-throated Diver, a Shag, 200 Cormorant, 4 Great Crested Grebe and a Razorbill. Apart from the 2,000 or so Oystercatchers the most numerous waders seen were 180 Turnstone. Four Little Egret and 3 Grey Heron fed on the shore. At the end of the day up to 10 Redwing were detected over the island.

Photos JE, SRW

Monday 14 October 2024

14th October 2024

 Weather: ESE force 4

The morning tide promised much with the wind in the east and south but it turned out to be one of the quietest bird days for some time. A Peregrine gave the members something to look at as it took a wader and was followed by a couple of gulls.

The only visitors were 2 passing Skylarks and a Goldfinch. Shelduck were scattered all over our part of the estuary, over 500 birds as the tide ebbed, while 3 of our Eiders showed. A Black-tailed Godwit landed on the ridge south of Middle with the Oystercatchers, but immediately adopted a very disappointing pose for the camera.

Very few small waders are around at the moment except for about 80 Redshank and over 100 Turnstone. A single Red-throated Diver, 4 Great Crested Grebes and 200 Common Scoter were spotted on the sea. There were 5 Little Egret including the colour ringed 'TA'.

 A Grey Seal lounged on the island rocks while the island was almost deserted.

 Photos CJ, SRW

Sunday 13 October 2024

13th October 2024

 Weather: NNW force 2     light air later

 Among the wildfowl today 2 Pintail flew south and a flock of 9 Wigeon were pictured.

Three female Eiders were here. The Brent reached another peak at 361 plus 2 dark-bellied birds.


Shelduck were estimated at an amazing 920 on the estuary while Common Scoters numbered 6,200 which were mostly seen far out but there is often the odd bird by the island.

A juvenile Shag was on the island and Cormorants were in very large numbers, 680 in the estuary.

Scarcer on the sea were 3 Red-throated Divers, 12 Great Crested Grebes and a female type Red-breasted Merganser. Fourteen Little Egrets showed themselves to good effect.

   There were 435 Curlews, 125 Turnstones, 145 Redshank and 18 Bar-tailed Godwits.

 There were hundreds of gulls attending a Razor clam wreck in the east hoyle bay.

 We like to keep a check on the birds on the West Kirby marine lake at this time of year. This morning were 19+ Goosander, 4 Red-breasted Mergansers and 2 Great Crested Grebes.

 Photos SRW

Saturday 12 October 2024

12th October 2024

 Weather: SE force 3/4     light drizzle

A few Meadow Pipits were passing through and the paddocks/gardens held some late autumn and winter birds. There were 7 Blackbirds and 3 Song Thrushes (one of each was ringed), 3 Pied Wagtails, 6 Robins and 5 Wrens.

 The wildfowl was the main subject of interest with a large count of pale-bellied Brent (317) and 2 dark-bellied Brent. Another of our returning colour ringed birds was noticed on the whaleback.


Twenty four Shelduck, six of our Eiders and 3,200 Common Scoter were recorded, while 3 Teal flew west. Apart from the Scoter on the sea were 3 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Guillemots and a Razorbill. Eight Little Egrets and a Grey Heron fed on the shore along with the regular waders, Dunlin, Curlew, Ringed Plover, Turnstone, Redshank and Sanderling.

 The Kestrel was present today.

Photos SRW

Friday 11 October 2024

11th October 2024

 Weather: WSW force 4,  light drizzle at first

Occasional showers early in the day produced rainbows.

Once again a Goldcrest was in the SK paddock, possibly the same bird as recently, there were no other small migrants, although a flock of 8 Skylarks flew east. Bird of the day was a Golden Plover that was calling and took some time to locate on rocks below the obs as the camouflage made it quite difficult.  

Just one Grey Heron this morning but another day with a large group of Little Egrets, there were 16 feeding in the gutters and amongst them was colour ringed 'TA' that has been here before.


 There were 50 Brents seen, our Eiders featured 2 males and 4 females. 

A male Red-breasted Merganser flew passed the north end, a bird much scarcer than it used to be and now Goosander is the main sawbill in the area at this time of year, especially in the West Kirby marine lake (below, today).

 Photos SRW

Thursday 10 October 2024

10th October 2024

 Weather:  NNE force 3/4

A cool northerly did not bode well for migrants, but at least it was sunny. A Goldcrest was in the obs garden and a Goldfinch was recorded. Three Skylarks moved through and there were a few extra Meadow Pipits and a Pied Wagtail on the island. The Brent are now peaking at about 220 birds, there were 350 Common Scoter, 220 Cormorants, 6 Eiders (2male, 4 female), 5 Little Egrets and a Grey Heron. Not many waders around this morning, 2,500 Oystercatchers, 3 Ringed Plovers and 90 Curlew. On the West Kirby Marine Lake were 15 Goosander and 2 Great Crested Grebes. In the evening Hilbre shared in the widespread sightings of the northern lights, Hilbre has relatively dark skies compared to the mainland and therefore is a prime location as one of the best places in the area to watch. Those familiar with the island will recognise some of the Hilbre landmarks in the foreground. 



 Photos SRW