The first three Wheatears of the autumn appeared mid-morning as Wheatears often do on Hilbre and stayed about an hour and then moved on. One was in juvenile plumage (above left) and the other two were either adult females or birds of either sex in post juvenile dress (above right).

The other highlight of the day was a Common Sandpiper which for once remained stationary at the north end long enough for photos to be obtained.
There were two Willow Warblers, one of which was the moulting adult from six days ago which obviously found Hilbre to its liking whilst growing flight feathers for the forthcoming journey south.

Strange for July was a (family?) group of six Shags that associated together both in and out of the water (right).
A Peregrine (left) hunted the ridge south of middle at the early high tide, and 2 Kestrels were on the main island.
Counts today included 250 Sandwich Terns, 15 Whimbrel and 41 Ringed Plovers.
Not many butterflies around at the moment, but there were 2 Painted Ladies.
3 Meadow Pipits
1 Linnet
1 Willow Warbler (right)
(JE,CJ, +CD) [435] photos CJ