Tuesday, 11 March 2025

11th March 2025

 Weather: N force 4

The wind being in the north, there was no sign of any migrants today on a post tide afternoon visit. Brent were counted at 220 individuals, 3 Eider were here and out to sea massive numbers of Common Scoter were seen (about 9,500). Among the waders were counts of 350 Sanderling, 500 Dunlin, 120 Turnstone, 135 Curlew and the usual few dozen Redshank.,

Records of Raven have increased in the last few years, one showed well today.

The dead dolphin seen on the 8th March may not have been the cetacean found on 1st March after all as the individual seen today could very well be a version of the 1st March sighting after several large gulls have fed on it.

Photos SRW 

Monday, 10 March 2025

10th March 2025

 Weather: SE force 2 with mist around the estuary, later in the afternoon NE 6


A nice steady trickle of birds today began with a Reed Bunting down briefly in the Obs garden with 2 more passing over later, there were 2 each of Redpoll, Goldfinch and Chaffinch also singles of Goldcrest and Dunnock (not a common bird here). Three Chiffchaff were noted with 2 of them caught and ringed.


 Twelve Swans flying out of the Estuary on the west side was a lovely sight but sadly they were heading away from observers and unidentifiable. What are probably the last remaining breeding Shelduck on the island have returned to their favoured spot.

Jackdaw were heard calling and 3 spotted flying high over the island, 2 Collared Dove flew north, then landed on the lifeboat station and flew back south. 

 Two Woodpigeon also came through.

 Two hundred and eighty five Brent were around the island with 3 Eider while on the sea were 5 Great Crested Grebes and further out 200 Common Scoter. Waders showing were 90 Turnstone, 300 Dunlin, 8 Purple Sandpipers and quite a number of Curlew.


 The drake Mallard still swims on the island pond.


Photos: AS, SRW

Sunday, 9 March 2025

9th March 2025

Weather: ENE force 1,  WNW 3 in afternoon

A very early start to beat the early tide.

Some east in the wind this morning heralded another great spring day on the island. The most beautiful birds of the day would be the 5 Grey Wagtails here, one of which was in good voice.


Five Pied/alba Wagtails were also recorded and 6 White Wagtails were new in for the spring.

Three Chiffchaffs were in the paddocks/gardens, one of which had a distinct 'pollen horn' 


 Following on from the last few days, House Sparrows featured with 2 males and a female.


 A Reed Bunting dropped in briefly,



 and Linnets were singing in most gardens.

 A Song Thrush was in the obs garden.


  Members of the crow family were prolific today, there were 18 Carrion Crows, 52 passing Jackdaws, a single Rook and a Magpie down on the island.

 Not to forget the single Starling that joined us briefly early in the day.

Finches were not as numerous (although 45 Linnets) there were 2 Lesser Redpolls, a Chaffinch, a Siskin and 3 Goldfinches.

The Grey Heron on the island would probably be the one seen catching frogs yesterday.

A Redshank was feeding in the same main pond today.

A round-up of the other waders includes 40 Grey Plover, 4 Ringed Plover, 120 Turnstone, 18 Purple Sandpiper, 100 Sanderling, 500 Dunlin, 30 Knot and a single Bar-tailed Godwit. Wildfowl still remains at 325 Brent, also 5 Shelduck, 4 Eider and 3 Goosander. Six Great Crested Grebed were on the sea. Just 1 Little Egret today and yesterday, they are the first here for 3 weeks, most must be on territory further south down the estuary.

 Photos: AEH

Saturday, 8 March 2025

8th March 2025

 Weather: ESE force 4

A few firsts of the year this morning including a couple of White Wagtails, a Sand Martin and most sought after of all the arrival of a Wheatear on the main island. This is close to being not only the earliest here ever but is probably the earliest female ever as males usually arrive first.



Other notable migrants moving were 12 Woodpigeons, 23 then 7 Carrion Crows travelling west, and flocks of 6, 2 and 21 Jackdaws.


Also a male House Sparrow (scarce at Hilbre) flying around the island for some time.

In addition to the White Wagtails, another 8 alba and 2 Grey Wagtails, 2 Skylarks, 2 Reed Buntings, a Goldcrest and a Siskin flew passed. An elusive Chiffchaff was in the paddocks, while breeding birds are now in good numbers with 26 Meadow Pipits, 6 Rock Pipits and 22 Linnets around. 

Two hundred and eighty six Brent were counted, 220 Scoter were out on the sea with 10 Great Crested Grebes also present with 4 Eider and a Goosander close to the island. Waders listed were 45 Curlew, 150 Knot, 540 Dunlin, 30 Redshank, 12 Ringed Plover, 18 Bar-tailed Godwit and 18 Purple Sandpiper. An interesting sight early this morning was that of a Grey Heron devouring frogs from the main island pond.


The recent dead cetacean on the east hoyle bank was examined and found to be a dolphin, probably a Common Dolphin.

A few largish jellyfish was also on the shore.

 Photos CJ, CJW, SRW, Matt Thomas

Thursday, 6 March 2025

6th March 2025

 Weather: SE force 1/2  increasing 3/5 with haze before the tide

A trickle of migrants came in on the south easterly this morning, 3 Chiffchaffs arrived early, the first was found in the 'heli' garden. Two Stonechats were also present including this immature female which was caught for ringing.

A scarce bird at Hilbre; a House Sparrow was singing in the obs garden first thing. It was a good day for finches; apart from the 22 Linnets present, 3 Goldfinches and 2 Siskin came through and a Greenfinch was singing as it flew over the island. Other small migrants were 2 Pied and a Grey Wagtail. Three Woddpigeons flew through. The Brent Geese were counted at 274 and 120 Common Scoter seen on the sea, 2 Mallard around the pond and 3 female Goosanders also made the list. Just 4 Purple Sandpipers were seen, also 12 Grey Plover, 14 Ringed Plover, 800 Knot, 26 Dunlin, 40 Turnstone and 28 Redshank. Another day without Little Egret records but there was one Grey Heron. The Fox is still present at least some of the time.

Photo BT

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

5th March 2025

 Weather: SW force 4/5

The first early morning walk around the island had only reached the pond when Snow Bunting was heard calling and 2 flew over heading towards Wales, our only record this winter. A Raven also visited the island early, then was later joined by a second bird  and they both spent a considerable time performing acrobatics along the west side, calling constantly.

On the East Hoyle were 500 Dunlin,150 Grey Plover, 100 Sanderling and 80 Knot, then over tide 22 Purple Sandpiper along with 160 Turnstone roosted in Niffy Bay.


A couple of Pied Wagtails were noted, while a Goldcrest was the more obvious migrant to the island. The wildfowl consisted of 280 Brent, 2 Eider and 70 Common Scoter on the sea.  The Kestrel was around the island

Photos AS