The first atempt at a live Update from the sea watching hide! TWO manxies So far - second live update 2PM 3 Bonxies, 2 Leach's Petrels and 9 Manxies.
18 Pale-bellied Brents appeared on the way off (see below) along the ridge south of Middle Island and other good birds today included 141 Common Scoter, 9 Sandwich and 4 late Common Terns, Fulmar and 17 Gannets.
(CJ and SRW) Photos - 'Sea-watcher' by SRW, Brents by CJ
Fantastic, keep up the good work.
I reported 4 Brent Geese at Newbrighton on the 1st, I take it these have joined the flock, Pete
Thanks Peter, the Brents have increased yet again today. Fantastic to think that these birds have come all the way from Arctic Canada.
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