Friday 26 October 2012

26th October 2012

Despite the many records of thrush movements around Wirral today the single Song Thrush that was trapped  and 4 Redwings over seemed to be the only thrushes moving in our direction this morning. Carrion Crows however totalled 70 including a group of 54 together, a very large number to be found in this area. Best of the sea sightings were 1 male and 2 female Eiders, there were also 15 Guillemots, 5 Great Crested Grebes and 2 Red-breasted Mergansers. The male Chaffinch of recent days is still here, but for the first time for a while there was no sign of the Merlin. Three Rock Pipits were noted and a single Starling passed over. Good counts from the shore included 170 Redshanks and 55 Curlew.
Ringed :- 1 Song Thrush       [ 1061-31 ]

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