Weather: NW force 1
Beautiful weather today for the visit of the Woolston stalwarts, but the north westerly breeze did us no favours with migrants. A dedicated sea watch over the high tide was hard work, the highlight being a darkphase Arctic Skua, 3 drake Eiders flying distantly east, 2 Gannets and close flypasts of Dunlin flocks and 29 Little Terns. The only small migrants were 2 Wheatears and a few Swallows. At least 2 juvenile Robins were noted. Waders featured as follows: 2,000 Dunlin, 45 Turnstones, 200 Redshank (at Tanskies), 2 Bar-tailed Godwits and 2 Whimbrel. The tern roost today appeared to contain nearly as many Common Terns as Sandwich. Two Common Seals were hauled out on the west hoyle.
Cormorant (KMc) |
Wheatear with Rock Sea-lavender (CJ) |
(DB,CJ,KMc+SD,AO) + from Woolston DB,DS,HA,GD,SW
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