Tuesday 1 November 2016

1st November 2016

NE 2 vis 2 mls mist clearing later.
It was an extremely quiet dawn on Hilbre this morning but the Brent geese livened things up when 145 of them flew in a little later, there were 35 Bar-tailed Godwits feeding near them on the west side. Other waders included 54 Curlew, 150 Dunlin, and 6 Little Egret seen  south of middle. A Kestrel was briefly on the roof of the obs and a Chaffinch (probably yesterdays) was on the main path, the only obvious migrants were 9 Starling going south.
Things got more exciting when a one hour sea watch produced 2 Black-throated Divers drifting west to east for 15 minutes, a good record at Hilbre at any time. Others seen were 3 Red-throated Divers, 20 Great Crested Grebes, 83 Common Scoter, 5 Guillemot and a Razorbill. Bird of the day was at first thought to be a micro light  coming from Point of Air but then as it came closer it resolved into 13 Whooper Swans which flew past the north end.

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