Saturday 27 April 2024

27th April 2024

 Weather:  ENE force 2


 The Pinkfooted Goose train continued north this morning soon after dawn, 1,800 estimated.

 No Canada Geese this morning but a single Greylag flew passed the island

 Amongst the group of Eiders 6 were male (5 adult) and 2 females. They mingled with the few Brent that remain at the north end this morning.

 Four Shelduck seem to be making the island their home for this summer.

Early on a Short-eared Owl flew around the south end of the island briefly before heading east.


Redpolls were in evidence again today with an estimated 15 flying over, some dropping in and 5 became ringed. 


Willow Warblers are still passing north, about 12 came through, 6 were ringed today, but the Whitethroat of the last few days stayed and did some sub-song. Four Goldfinches were here but no Siskins were heard today. Early in the day a Collared Dove flew through.

 Up to 14 Wheatears were on the ground, mostly down the west side of the island.


 Two White Wagtails and a Pied were noted, also a small passage of martins, 4 each of Sand and House, as well as the usual trickle of Swallows feeding as they go together with the newly arrived local birds. The small waders roosted around the island at high tide, mostly Dunlin and some Turnstones and Redshank.


Sixteen Whimbrel were seen,  many small flocks have been moving through in the last few days, they seem anxious to go north and breed.

Not many sea birds today, just 2 Guillemots and 140 Sandwich Terns. In the moth trap this morning was a Brown Silver-line.

Ringed:  6 Willow Warbler, 5 Lesser Redpoll, 5 Linnet.

Photos CJW, SRW

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