Friday 20 September 2024

20th September 2024

Weather: E force 3, mist around the estuary, with complete cloud cover arriving by 07.00hrs.   WNW 2 by afternoon

Shortly after 08.30 this morning a Yellow-browed Warbler appeared in the obs garden. Unfortunately the siberian migrant disappeared after a short time and was not relocated until several hours later in the east side garden of Telegraph House.


  Eventually it flew to the 'heli' trap and was duly ringed at 17.35 hrs. 

This is the earliest ever at Hilbre, most have been here in October. It was not the sole phylloscopus warbler on the island this morning , there were 7 Chiffchaffs.....

 ........... and 2 Willow Warblers.


 Five Skylarks, a Goldcrest and 5 Wheatears were scattered on different islands.

A male Stonechat added to the good bird list and a Sand Martin and 3 House Martins were flying among the Swallows.

The Pink-footed Geese made their usual flypast, today flocks in the morning of  130, 50, 40, 22 and 7 and early on a Snipe made itself known. Sixty eight Brent, 66 Shelduck and a single Eider completed the wildfowl. Two Red-throated Divers, a Guillemot and a Great Crested Grebe were the only sea birds. Two Kestrels were here and 2 Peregrines were noted.

The Weasel of yesterday took to hiding in a wall and popping its head out when it was curious.

Photos AEH, SRW



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