Tuesday, 31 December 2024




At the end of the year it is appropiate to reflect that 2024 was the centenary year of 'Southward', home of Hilbre Bird Observatory since it was very kindly gifted by the Dixon family in August 1988. Built in 1924 by Capt. Mace who was an officer of the Dock Board, there were at least 2 other owners before the Dixons bought it in 1949. In the article about Southward that Henry Dixon wrote for our 1991 report he mentions the bright red woodwork throughout, which they soon altered upon moving in. In turn, the Obs sent all the internal doors off to be stripped and they were subsequently waxed by one of our members who noticed there was still evidence of the dreaded red paint. Much work was carried out by the Dixon family to improve the building, this was continued by the Observatory and included the building of the deck fire escape and most recently the installation of solar panels which at long last meant a fridge to keep our milk in summer. Unlike the other island buildings Southward was not built into the shelter of the eastward slope and the gable end faces west. This causes some weather problems but gives the building excellent views to east, south and west, hence the high number of bird sightings whilst members are having a tea break! Let us hope that Southward survives the next 100 years of Hilbre weather.


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