Saturday 23 July 2011

23rd July 2011

A quiet day with the main bird interest being the 5 island bred juvenile Swallows being fed continuously at various places including on the the obs fences (left). Early in the morning the Stonechat seen in the last few days was on Middle, and a small sea passage logged 80 Gannets and 13 Manx Shearwaters. Sandwich Terns are now approaching 1500 in the roost with a few Common Terns scattered amongst them. 12 Whimbrel was a very high count for this early in the autumn. A Shag flying passed the north end was the first for some time. When the sun finally banished the occasional theatening cloud (left), several Grayling butterflies (above) showed about the area of the mast. (BSB,DB,CJ+VB,NDW) photos CJ

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