On the first day of the month typical October birds were in the trapping area at dawn; a Song

Thrush (below), a Blackcap, and a little later a Reed Bunting (right). Hilbre has had a good passage of Chiffchaffs this autumn and 2 more were ringed today, together with a Goldcrest. One of the rarest Hilbre birds of the day was a Magpie that found its way into the 'heli', but unfortunately

also thought nothing of flying out of the trap past the ringers outstretched arms. Three Golden Plovers were found on the shore between Little Eye and Middle, always a pleasing species to see at Hilbre. Meadow Pipits continued to pass through in some numbers, flying in off the sea and off south into the wind, very difficult to estimate the total numbers but certainly into the hundreds. Just a single Skylark and no Wheatears on the islands today, although 2 were reported by a visitor on the ridge south of Middle. Pied Wagtails were also evident although many fewer with at least 2 Grey Wagtails seen. A good count of 56 Bar-tailed Godwits were on the shore. Ringed:-2 Chiffchaffs, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Blackcap,1 Reed Bunting, 1 Goldcrest.
(DB+ESCA,CJ,CJW,SRW,CLW,TGW,CJW(f),GIW,AW) [867-43] photos CJ
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