Another quiet day, or does it just seem so as we are all feeling a Red-flanked Bluetail hangover? A passage of Blackbirds was expected in the fresh southeasterly but only 2 arrived with a single Song Thrush, although a flock of Redwings were seen to fly off the west side later. A steady trickle of Chaffinches passed in ones and twos, also 12 Starlings (left), a Reed Bunting, a Goldfinch, 2 Rock Pipits, a couple of Skylarks and 2 Pied

Wagtails. Yet again the Merlin showed and the Coal Tit (right) remained and was retrapped revealing that it is very happy here as it had put on half a gram since 2 days ago. Counts from the shore were difficult because of the very low tide, however 18 Bar-tailed Godwits, and 12 Shelduck were noted. A single Pintail flew between the islands and a Little Egret was on the shore. Thirty nine Brent stayed mostly near Little Eye. Ringed :- 1 Blackbird, 1 Robin.
(CJ,PSW) + C Wells and RSPB party [920-45] photos CJ
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