After the elation of yesterdays passage this morning was back to normal with up to 10 Goldcrests on the island, some of which were almost certainly stayers from yesterday. Although 3 Wheatears were present, one was a ringed individual also from yesterday. A few finches passed over with a Chaffinch and a Greenfinch staying to be ringed. A Peregrine was on the ridge south of Middle early in the day (left) and was hunting the waders on the east side later, whilst the Merlin was again in the area in the morning.
Also seen this morning were a Grey Wagtail moving south low over the island, and a Rook flying south west. A Rock Pipit was at the north end today after also being seen late yesterday. The sea was again quiet, 11 Common Scoter and a Red-breasted Merganser were logged, and the Brent were counted at 145 including 3 dark-bellied.
Ringed:- 3 Goldcrests, 1 Robin, 1 Chaffinch, 1 Greenfinch.
(DB,JE,AEH,CJ,KMc+SD,CS,PSW et al) [130-12]
photo CJ
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