Friday 17 May 2013

17th May 2013

Weather: E 2, 8/8 cloud, mist

The first round of the traps didn't reveal the hoped for Spotted Flycatcher in the right conditions but a less expected, and less frequently caught, Whinchat was captured in the Newton (wall trap) (see below).

Passage waders remain much in evidence with 11 Whimbrel, 200 Ringed Plover, 3,500 Dunlin and a summer plumaged Grey Plover.

The Rabbit has been seen fairly frequently recently - with the Stoat long since disappeared it has the run of the island again, particularly early mornings.

Three drake Goosanders were a fine sight off the North End mid morning and 2 Wigeon were also a late spring record.

130 Swallows, 60 House Martins and 12 Swifts passed through and Sedge Warblers drifted in later in the morning with two trapped (see below).

(DB, AEH & SRW (briefly)) Photos AEH (Sedge Warbler) & SRW (others) [454-28]

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