Thursday 10 August 2023

10th August 2023

Weather: SE 2 increasing 4 later,   sunny and very warm

The trip across to be ready for the day to come. 

With the wind in the south east some arrivals were expected and sure enough during the morning 12 Willow Warblers were in the gardens and paddocks, with 6 subsequently ringed. Hirundines again gave a good show, with over 60 Swallows, a House Martin and 6 Sand Martins  performing over the island.



 A single Wheatear fed on the west side.

  A nice surprise were 3 Yellow Wagtails dropping down on the west side for a few minutes.



 Also over the west side a Sparrowhawk flew off the island and turned south down the estuary.


Two Starlings were  unlikely suumer visitors to the island. A little later 5 Swifts passed through by the lookout into the wind. Shelduck flew into the estuary in a few groups totalling 15 birds. There were a number of waders near the ridge on the ebb tide including 160 Curlew, 2 Whimbrel, 240 Ringed Plover, 250 Dunlin, 48 Redshank and 12 Turnstone. A Kestrel was present again and today and was seen to be dust bathing on the landrover track

There are so many Little Egrets arouind at the moment (15 today) that they may often to be feeding in the gutter in groups.

  Four Pied Wagtails were about the island this morning

 Also 12 Meadow and 6 Rock Pipits.

Butterflies today were several Common Blues, 26 Small Whites and 3 Red Admirals. Here is a selection from the moth trap this morning:


Ruby Tiger

Toadflax Pug

Calamotropha Paludella  

The last two species are thought to be new to Hilbre. The air ambulance came to assist a medical emergency unfortunately suffered by a visitor to the island.

Photos AS, CJW 

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