Tuesday 8 October 2024

8th October 2024

 Weather: ESE force 3/4      SE 2/3 later,     mist towards Wales

We didn't have to wait long to see what was at the end of the Hilbre rainbow today - Yellow-browed Warblers that's what! Two were in the obs garden first thing, one was caught and ringed while the other appeared to fly off south.

 After an hour or so another bird was calling and was also caught and ringed as a third flew out of the bushes.




It was clear that we have had 3 birds altogether, an exceptional record even during a year when they have been numerous nationally.

In addition to the Yellow-brows there were 6 Chiffchaffs present, 4 of which were then also ringed. Good visible migration featured 8 Chaffinches (a couple landed briefly), a Siskin, 4 Pied and a Grey Wagtail, 4 Skylarks, 6 Robins, 7 Blackbirds, 3 Reed Buntings and 3 late Wheatears.

On the way off the island the first Dark-bellied Brent of the autumn was noted among some of the pale birds, but juvenile Brents in general were few indeed.

The Raven turned up towards the north end later in the afternoon and was harassed by 2 local Carrion Crows out of the 9 seen in a group over Middle, also the Kestrel. The Brent were estimated at 220, 4 Eiders were here and just 40 of the Shelduck in the estuary were seen, Sixteen Little Egrets and 3 Grey Herons roosted on Middle and 200 Common Scoter wrere out at sea. Seventy Five Turnstones and 64 Redshank out numbered 3 Bar-tailed Godwits and 8 Sanderling.

Photos SRW 

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