Sunday 23 September 2012

23rd September 2012

A possible American Golden Plover flew west passed the light and continued towards the west hoyle bank this morning. The call of the bird was heard and photographs taken which are being closely examined to see if they show the critical points for identification. If confirmed it would be a first record for Hilbre. The Brent Geese reached a new high for the autumn with 38 birds present, including the individual first seen here in 2008 with a red colour ring on the right leg and a blue ring on the left which was ringed in Canada by an Irish ringing group. This many Brent at such an early date is unprecedented. A rarer species of wildfowl for Hilbre appeared in the form of 2 Shovelers flying up the east side at dawn. There were as many Chiffchaffs as Goldcrests today (6 of each) but no larger warblers. Up to 40 Swallows were logged today and more typical autumn birds included a Siskin, a Grey Wagtail, 6 Skylarks and a small passage of 8 Robins. A Pied Wagtail that has been seen about the island over the last week with a ring on its right leg (most on Hilbre are ringed on the left) was trapped and as thought was definitely ringed elsewhere. The large flock of Knot still wheels at the north end, 12 Bar-tailed Godwits were on the shore and 65 Common Scoters and an Arctic Skua were noted on the sea.
Ringed :- 3 Chiffchaffs, 3 Robins, 2 Goldcrests, 1 Wren, 1 Meadow Pipit, 1 Blackbird.  [ 979-30 ] 

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