Wednesday 22 May 2019

22nd May 2019

Weather: ESE  1  vis 30 mls
 A quiet but pleasant day with 3 Little Egret in the gutter and a Grey Heron at the North End.
The female Eider is still around the islands along with 3 Shelduck and 2 Great Crested Grebe, there were seen to be 2 female Mallard (1 each on Middle and Hilbre) along with 3 males.
A single House Martin was the only non breeding passerine noted. The 18 Linnet included a juvenile, the pair of Pied Wagtail, Swallow and Meadow Pipit were recorded.
Very few waders were present . The first Cinnabar Moth was seen and the Water Crowfoot is in flower.
 photos AS

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