Friday 7 October 2022

7th October 2022

 Weather: WSW force 4/5    rain, then showers

A brief lunchtime visit when the steady rain had stopped and the first thing noticed was that a buoy was on the rocks between the islands, it had obviously come adrift during the night or early morning.

 The ranger and coastguard service were informed. The business of the day also brought a surprise with a Chiffchaff being very vocal around the obs garden.

 A male Blackcap was found in the 'heli' trap, both warblers were very welcome considering the weather at the moment.

Brent were logged at a new high of 112 on the beach to the south west of the island before the tide flooded, also 160 Shelduck, 8 Little Egrets and the usual waders: 320 Curlew, 28 Grey Plover, 55 Redshank, 18 Turnstone, 12 Ringed Plover and 4 Bar-tailed Goswit. Common Scoter still show far out to sea, 900 today.

Ringed : 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Blackcap

Photos SRW

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