Wednesday 12 April 2023

12th April 2023

 Weather: SSE force 7, increasing W  8 or 9 by later in the afternoon.

The gale of yesterday afternoon inspired observers to do a sea watch today, and the gamble paid off. The wind was strong SSE when they arrived and the island was quiet apart from a single White Wagtail and a Wheatear. As predicted the wind dropped about 1430 and went to the west then slowly but surely increased. Two Manx Shearwaters were noted fairly soon into the sea watch as well as a few Gannets (all seen today were adults) and Sandwich terns. As the high tide came and went Manxie’s continued  to pass (70 altogether today) as well as Gannets (180), Kittiwakes (20), Fulmars (2) and Sandwich Terns (150), while 2 single Common Terns came through separately as well as a Little Tern. Other more regular species were 3 Eider, 3 Red-throated Divers and 60 Common Scoter.

Three summer plumage Great Crested Grebes and a solitary Red-breasted Merganser were close to the island.


Of the waders there were 150 Dunlin, 20 Sanderling and.40 Ringed Plover....


........30 Redshank 

and 3 Bar-tailed Godwits.


 There was a Shag and 2 Little Egrets, one finding something tasty to eat.

A total of 19 Brent were still here.

Photos CJW

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