Monday, 10 March 2025

10th March 2025

 Weather: SE force 2 with mist around the estuary, later in the afternoon NE 6


A nice steady trickle of birds today began with a Reed Bunting down briefly in the Obs garden with 2 more passing over later, there were 2 each of Redpoll, Goldfinch and Chaffinch also singles of Goldcrest and Dunnock (not a common bird here). Three Chiffchaff were noted with 2 of them caught and ringed.


 Twelve Swans flying out of the Estuary on the west side was a lovely sight but sadly they were heading away from observers and unidentifiable. What are probably the last remaining breeding Shelduck on the island have returned to their favoured spot.

Jackdaw were heard calling and 3 spotted flying high over the island, 2 Collared Dove flew north, then landed on the lifeboat station and flew back south. 

 Two Woodpigeon also came through.

 Two hundred and eighty five Brent were around the island with 3 Eider while on the sea were 5 Great Crested Grebes and further out 200 Common Scoter. Waders showing were 90 Turnstone, 300 Dunlin, 8 Purple Sandpipers and quite a number of Curlew.


 The drake Mallard still swims on the island pond.


Photos: AS, SRW

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