Weather: ENE force 1, WNW 3 in afternoon
A very early start to beat the early tide.
Some east in the wind this morning heralded another great spring day on the island. The most beautiful birds of the day would be the 5 Grey Wagtails here, one of which was in good voice.
Five Pied/alba Wagtails were also recorded and 6 White Wagtails were new in for the spring.
Three Chiffchaffs were in the paddocks/gardens, one of which had a distinct 'pollen horn'
Following on from the last few days, House Sparrows featured with 2 males and a female.
A Reed Bunting dropped in briefly,
and Linnets were singing in most gardens.
A Song Thrush was in the obs garden.
Members of the crow family were prolific today, there were 18 Carrion Crows, 52 passing Jackdaws, a single Rook and a Magpie down on the island.
Not to forget the single Starling that joined us briefly early in the day.
A round-up of the other waders includes 40 Grey Plover, 4 Ringed Plover, 120 Turnstone, 18 Purple Sandpiper, 100 Sanderling, 500 Dunlin, 30 Knot and a single Bar-tailed Godwit. Wildfowl still remains at 325 Brent, also 5 Shelduck, 4 Eider and 3 Goosander. Six Great Crested Grebed were on the sea. Just 1 Little Egret today and yesterday, they are the first here for 3 weeks, most must be on territory further south down the estuary.
Photos: AEH
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