Friday, 14 March 2025

14th March 2025

 Weather:  N force 3

 No visit in the morning today so a late afternoon look to see if there was anything new. On the way over while there was still daylight a visit to the West Kirby marine lake found a splendid female Goosander on the calm water.


Less expected was a Great Crested Grebe with Little Eye in the background.

Two Harbour Porpoise swam north west of the island which were easily seen on the flat sea. One hundered and twenty Pink-footed Geese flew north late afternoon. There are still plenty of Scoter distantly of the north shore, 7,500 estimated but of course no chance of identifying the recent rare Black Scoter from that distance but 2 Red-throated Divers, 2 Red-breasted Mergansers and 6 more Great Ctrested Grebes were much closer. Brent about the island were estimated at about 245 birds. Some waders wrere seen at the low tide; 4,500 oystercatchers, 85 Grey Plover, 110 Curlew, 130 Turnstone, 280 Knot, 1300 Dunlin, 250 Sanderling, 65 Redshank and 2 Purple Sandpiper. Not many of the island passerines were active late in the day but noted were 4 Wrens, 4 Rock Pipits and 4 Blackbirds.


Photos SRW

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