Friday 16 June 2023

16th June 2023

 Weather: SE force 3  hazy

A very sunny and warm day and again the Black Guillemot was residing with us.

...while the immature Eider sat on the whaleback as it seems to do frequently.

A Gannet made an appearance, a couple of Common Terns flew close to the island whilst feeding and a Sandwich Tern sat on the rocks.

Among the breeding birds, the Linnets are being elusive when attempts are made to catch them, there are usually many ringed at this time in the breeding season. One of the Rock Pipits was retrapped for monitoring, it was a female that was first ringed this year.

A single Swift passed over, the only 'migrant' of the day but 4 Red Admirals and 2 Small White butterflies added interest.

Photos JE

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