Tuesday 6 June 2023

6th June 2023

 Weather:  ENE force 2    cloudy

 Another day of this long dry spell, even the rocks around the island are showing the white of salt from the sea during the tides. A brief visit mid morning found the Eiders still here, today there were 4 males (1 immature) and a female. The immature male and the female were on the whaleback and an adult male was feeding off the east hoyle. Three Goldfinches were hanging around between the old Obs garden and Pallas’s privet (behind the lookout). Other than this there was just the odd wader at the north end, 5 Turnstone, 2 Dunlin and a Sanderling. Six Little Egrets and 3 Grey Herons were all off the tide edge to the south west. Otherwise very ‘quiet’ as many of the breeding birds were now busily feeding young and not singing so much. 

Photo SRW

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