Wednesday 17 July 2024

17th July 2024

 Weather: SSW force 2, backing SE 1 during the morning.

Highlight of a beautiful warm and sunny morning was the appearance of a juvenile Wheatear on ' Wheatear hill' opposite the obs. This may or may not be the same bird as 9 days ago or again 2/3 days ago, but is certainly an age plumage that few (even some birders) will not have seen often.


An unexpected occurence during the morning were 2 Ravens walking about the rocks by the south slipway for a couple of hours at least.


 It was later on when our member left the island that the reason was discovered, they had been eating a dead sheep or goat (both can have short straight horns). 

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Neither animal of course would have made its own way here and it was probably brought by the tide. Earlier a Sand Martin had flown over Middle, an unusual date, and a Swift had flown north up the west side of the main island. Five Ringed Plover and 14 Redshank wrere logged, and there were a small number of Curlew and a Whimbrel calling around the island. 

The normal group of Eider were here, 8 seen today and 2 Pied Wagtails and a Goldfinch were possible breeders. The tide was low, so just 3 dozen Sandwich and a Common Tern were noted, also 3 Shelduck and 3 Little Egret. Green veined White butterflies were numerous and a Emperor dragonfly was on the bracken to the west of the old obs.  

Photos CJ

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