Monday 8 July 2024

8th July 2024

 Weather: SE force 3,  NNE 1 by middle of the afternoon, sunny and warm.

Bird of the day was a juvenile Wheatear which spent the morning feeding at the North End.


In the same area were 3 of the 6 noted Rock Pipit.

The 2 fledged Swallows still wait to be fed but are showing interest in insects flying around them.

Twelve Gannets were logged and the Sandwich Terns around the islands numbered 280 as the build up to the autumn roost started and included the first of the juvenile birds on the sands waiting for a food delivery.

A Whimbrel and 33 Redshank were at the bottom of gutter early morning, 35 Dunlin roosted on Middle with some of the 480 Oystercatchers (the rest were by Little Eye and the marsh). Two Shelducks flew west and 9 (mostly male) Eiders were present. This summer is exceptional for the numbers of Eiders here throughout although odd ones or twos have stayed for some time in the last few years.

The male Eider first moults out of his bright breeding plumage so that he is less conspicuous when he moults his tail and wing feathers rendering him flightless for 3-4 weeks.

An Emperor dragonfly and 9 Green-veined White butterflies enjoyed the sunshine.

 Photos AS

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