Tuesday 2 July 2024

2nd July 2024

 Weather: NNW force 4 haze,  WNW 3/4 by afternoon

With a north north west force 4 it was considered worth a sea watch but all that was found were 38 distant Gannet, a line of about 50 Common Scoter heading west and a single Arctic Skua bombing along in the same direction. Just 7 Sandwich Terns were seen. Eight Eider in the gutter on the ebb drew attention to a Red-breasted Merganser which dropped in near them.

The cold wind meant that again the island Swallows were not flying until the wind dropped in the afternoon when 2 were noted, hopefully no further broods will be lost.

A pair of Pied Wagtails were around the north end, as they feed on the ground they have a better chance of success than the Swallows.

 A Peregrine around the islands disturbed the Oystercatchers.

 Tufted Vetch (vicia cracca) is flowering in the paddocks.

 Photos AS

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