Monday 29 July 2024

29th July 2024

 Weather: SSE force 1 , later NNW 3  warm and sunny

Another lovely day but with limited migration although a group of over 30 Swallows came and joined in the feeding with the locals for a while and then moved on rapidly, leaving the breeding birds to themselves.

 and no less than 13 Little Egrets were counted around the gutter.

One of the 4 Whimbrel took advantage of the good conditions to have a bath,


Fifty Turnstone mixed in with the regular waders including the Dunlin.

A total of 2,000 Dunlin and 200 Knot (some in summer plumage) and 80 Bar-tailed Godwits took to the north shore as the evening tide ebbed,


while a little further out the terns were in loose gatherings on the east hoyle, and on the evening ebb tide 118 Little Terns showed in the roost or fed in the gutter in their distinctive dipping style. The groups of Sandwich Terns were estimated at 650.


The Eiders were hard to find this morning but eventually 5 were revealed. A Gannet and a Great Crested Grebe were also on the sea. Local breeders seen in additon to the Swallows were 16 Meadow Pipits, 7 Blackbirds, 6 Wrens, 2 Goldfinch and 4 Rock Pipits.

 A busy day for visitors went quieter as the evening tide approached.


There were surprisingly few insects today, pick of them were 2 Red Admirals and 2 Emperor Dragonflies.

 Photos CJ, AS

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