A brief before tide visit found that no warblers, crests or wheatears were present. A Merlin flew up from the west side over the centre of the island and then promptly disappeared back from whence it came, not to be seen again. Yesterday afternoon a count of the Brents reached 80 (DB), but this morning a large group between the islands numbered only 59 including the dark-bellied bird, no doubt more were elsewhere, however the blue and red ringed bird that has been seen for many winters reappeared amongst them today
Two Redwings flew about the obs garden briefly before moving on, a Skylark and a Grey Wagtail went over and a Chaffinch was in the obs pittosporum bush calling. The chirping of a House Sparrow was heard in the SK blackthorn, and on investigation there were 3 birds, a male and 2 females which stayed for a while.

Ringed: 1 Robin [ 564-40 ]
(CJ) photos CJ
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