Sunday 4 October 2015

4th October 2015

Weather: W 0-1 early on, backing S then SSE by 9am, some mist early giving way to wall to wall sunshine

11 Pale-bellied Brents were present early morning on 'the Whaleback' before relocating to the shore SW of the main island and included a family party including two juveniles.

A few Goldcrests were grounded on the island first thing but only 3 or 4 remained in the blackthorn by mid morning.  The Linnet flocks that have been present around all three islands recently numbered at least 150 today and once again attracted small numbers of other finches including Goldfinches and a couple of Greenfinches.

Golden Plovers (2) were heard as one observer left the mainland and a single bird landed on the beach calling in the mist; with three being seen at Red Rocks LNR (MGT).  Earlier 100 Black-tailed Godwits were seen leaving the estuary and heading towards Gilroy LNR.

Mid morning the first of two Chiffchaffs arrived (both were caught and ringed) and a couple of Reed Buntings were noted as were a few Skylarks and small numbers of Meadow Pipits passed over. 

A single Raven was heard and then found flying high over the Obs heading east.

However, the highlight of the day was the third Great Spotted Woodpecker of the autumn which found its way into the catching box of 'the Newton' Heligoland trap; this is the first ever to be caught and ringed at Hilbre.

Ringing: 2 Chiffchaff, Great Spotted Woodpecker

(DB+ESCA, SRW) [516-39]

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