Monday 29 May 2017

29th May 2017

Weather:  NW 3, rain first thing, 8/8 all day but dry during afternoon, poor vis

The day began late as rain battered down on the Obs first thing.

There was little in the way of migrant arrivals but the moth trap (set last night) was full of interesting species which kept members (young and old) busy between rounds of the island.

Waders were again very much in evidence with another nice roost below the mast on the West side including Dunlin, Sanderling (still in varying stages of plumage but no colour-ringed birds yet), Ringed Plovers and a lone Turnstone; but there was no sign of yesterday's Little Stint which has presumably moved through.

A pair of Eider were the only other noteworthy record today; they drifted south past the Whaleback and down the west side opposite the Obs.

The highlights of the moth trap included the easily identifiable Angleshades, several Marbled Coronets, Shoulder-striped wainscot, a couple of Bright-line Brown-eye and a Netted Pug.

With the poor weather and less people around it was a quieter day for the RNLI (West Kirby inshore and beach patrol on exercises).

Photos SRW & TGW

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