Wednesday 16 May 2018

16th May 2018

Weather:  N 2, rain during morning, brighter afternoon 6/8 cloud, good vis

Rain stopped play!  This morning the weather did not look at all conducive for spring migration and it put observers off.  However, a brief post tide visit continued our excellent coverage of the islands this spring and the afternoon was brighter although the bluebells at the south end are fading and the predominate flowering colour of the island is rapidly becoming the pink of the Thrift.

Four Little Egrets were around the Tanskeys, the Reef and the gutter and the two immature drake Eiders sat out the tide on the rocks west of Middle.

A good passage of Swallows was noted with 65 birds counted in just a couple of hours during the afternoon.  Two Greenland Wheatears (male and female) were present on the main island between the light and the North End but there was no evidence of any other grounded migrants.

A small number of Dunlin were noted (9) and a single Whimbrel.

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