Monday 12 August 2024

12th August 2024

 Weather: SSE force 5,  NNW 4 by early afternoon.

 The day was off to a good start when a Snipe was heard calling and spotted flying west from the South Reef of Middle. Thirty Shelduck flew into the estuary early morning in small groups and 4 Shoveler (still scarce at Hilbre) flew south up the east side with a single bird spotted later feeding in the Gutter.

Bar-tailed Godwit on the East Hoyle numbered 65 and counts of other waders were 4,200 Oystercatchers, 26 Curlew, 20 Whimbrel, 30 Ringed Plover, 140 Sanderling, 38 Turnstone, 300 Knot and 680 Dunlin.


A Black-tailed Godwit flew over, other 'flyovers' were Yellow Wagtail and a Golden Plover.

As the afternoon tide advanced 30 Little and 12 Common Terns roosted on the East Hoyle along with 800 Sandwich Tern. 

Two partial summer plumage adult Black Tern were spotted amongst them and later a member east of Middle saw an adult and Juvenile flying south. A Greenshank was present on the ebb feeding on the east side of the Gutter. A Willow Warbler and a Wheatear were the chief small migrants today.

 Four Goldfinches were on the island, including an adult in main moult.

 and a juvenile feeding with an adult.


Thirty Linnets are still here,


 There were 9 Eiders again,

 Two Gannets were on the sea and 25 Cormorants were here, some out on the rocks.

 Three Little Egrets were logged,

and the Kestrel was buzzed by a Swallow


Photos AEH, AS

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