Tuesday 27 August 2024

27th August 2024

Weather: SSE force 4    rain from mid-morning

 It was obviously the wrong type of south easterly for any migrants this morning and rain later did not help the observers either. One of the main interests this morning was the sighting of 2 Little Egrets with colour rings. Information received tells us that they were both ringed at Hale (borough of Halton) this year from broods of four. The first on the 10th May and the second the 5th July. It is the first time either has been reported since.


.... the second bird

No less than 18 Little Egrets were counted today, this time in late summer is normally the peak for them following post breeding dispersal. If that wasn't enough 2 Shags were here today and one of them was also colour ringed.

 The early arrival Pale-bellied Brent from yesterday was present again this morning.

Sixty Six Shelduck showed early on and 9 Eiders drifted about at the north end. A very large count of 340 Ringed Plover was made early on after the tide.

Six Whimbrel are still present as are single Grey Heron, Kestrel and Peregrine.

Photos SRW

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