Monday 26 August 2024

26th August 2024

 Weather: SW force 3,  light rain.  later SSW 5

Several species made a first appearance for the autumn today, for instance this pale-bellied Brent Goose that flew east passed the island, It is a very early arrival.

and 2 Grey Wagtails were also first of the autumn, as was this Shag.

An Osprey flew south west after coming in low over the East Hoyle (thanks to AMC for the call) then turned south at Red Rocks, gained height and flew across the south end Middle to North Wales … amazing as nothing went up anywhere around the island.

Amongst the waders were 55 Curlew and 4 Whimbrel until another 15 Whimbrel were seen to fly south.


Seven Bar-tailed Godwits were counted, also 225 Ringed Plover, 32 Knot, 140 Dunlin, 35 Sanderling, 28 Redshank and 45 Turnstone.


Oystercatchers are building up to big numbers now, there were 7,500 today,

Seabirds showed well today with 8 Arctic Skuas, 14 Gannets, 425 Sandwich and 11 Common Terns and 85 Common Scoter. Nine Eiders stayed with us with 5 Little Egrets and 2 Grey Herons also on the shore, and both Kestrel and Peregrine were in the air.

Photos SRW

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