Sunday 18 August 2024

18th August 2024

 Weather: SSW

A blustery day with winds from the SSW but luckily no rain. Very few birds were moving but a new Robin was ringed.

 and two new Meadow Pipits were ringed along with a heavily moulting retrapped Meadow Pipit.


 A Rock Pipit originally ringed as a juvenile in 2021 was retrapped and a colour ring added as part of our project. Wader numbers are increasing with good numbers of Turnstone, Ringed Plover, Dunlin and Oystercatchers roosting over the tide. Smaller numbers of Whimbrel, Curlew and Redshank were also present, and of course 8 Eiders..


Meadow Pipits have also successfully raised young despite the poor weather. Linnets have done well and there are plenty of young flying around.

The Kestrel hunted the island.

Photos PSW

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