Sunday 25 August 2024

25th August 2024

 Weather: SW force 5

 Chief surprise of the morning was a Whinchat by the pond on a blusterly south westerly.


A single Wheatear and a single Willow Warbler were other migrants on the island this morning.

There have been more records of Ravens in the last few years, but today there were an exceptional four.

 After the early tide 725 Sandwich Terns moved away to the west,

while there were 8 Common Terns and 3 Arctic Terns were recognised on the sea. Waders seen were  100 Dunlin, 18 Redshank, 24 Turnstone. 

  and 3 Whimbrel were among the 75 Curlew.

  Also on the list: 7 Eider, 6 Little Egrets, 2 Grey Heron.

 The Kestrel was hunting the island again today.


Photos AEH

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